kepla aku tgh tin tong skang nih n aku tak leh nak study walopon aku sedar yg 2 hari lagik aku ader paper exam yg aku kene jawab(for my future good sakes!!)
oh man...
am i being honest to myself rite now?
im not even know d answer...
am i doing something that i rely wanna do now?
im not even clear wif d answer..
i'm curious abot people..
how many of us are rely doing something that we rely want?
how many of us (died or living) rely enjoy wif what we're doing?
how many of us doing something that we dont wanna do but have to do?
by questioning all of these, am i being ungrateful man?
and d answer is .............
sorry for being very personal on dis post...ignore it if its irritating for u...juz kinda remind myself of how to find The Real Me.....
ni sumer pasal si Hajar yg kene belash dek majikn dia..
dah 3 tahun dia kene dera like she is not a human or more likely un'brain' human....

i totally freak out when i saw her pic...she was tortured brutally wif some kind of pigs who're pretending to be human....what else is/more appropriate to define species that can torture the same species wif no mercy? wonder pigs can eat their own kids...not because of hungry, but its because they love to do so....(emotional la plak)
but what is wrong if we do something that we have to do..
can we get everything that we want?
can we expect everything goes the ways we want?
juz do,
juz do it,
juz do it ur best,
juz do it ur best n try to enjoy it....
i cant believe that i wanna stop here...
hambik kau...1001 soklan aku letak...nak aku letak soklan lagik?(habislah kene smash dgn Dz ngan Syaaz lps nih....."Ulloh",Syaaz......"ada aku kesah?", Dz
rais emo cam ULLOH rais... anyway, we cannot expect anything in front of us beb, aku dah mengalami beberapa peristiwa yang aku tak expect berlaku.. tapi happen. same goes the other way around.. hehe.
BalasPadamUlasan ini telah dialihkan keluar oleh pengarang.
BalasPadamantaranya bila member ko tanyer
BalasPadam"Syaaz, are u waiting for someone?"...accidentally in front of ur special girl kan?....krukrukru...ops! dia tak baca blog aku kan?...mane la tau kang ckp the wrong thing at d wrong place n time plak.....krukrukru
die takkan bace blog aku, dan lagi2 blog ngko.. haish..nanti lah, kalau die jadik awek aku baru aku suh die baca.. one more. "At least say lah HI". ULLOH!
BalasPadamcatatan ini telah dibuang oleh pengarang :P
BalasPadamx fhm!! xyah pikir bnyk sgt!! nnt penim pale!! some things just happen when they want to happen [hahaha ayt hancur]..tu nme de takdir